
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be My witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)

GO: Here, There, and Everywhere

1. Partnering with Nazarene Missions International

The Church of the Nazarene is found in over 164 world areas, with 30,518 churches, and 2.65 million members

2. Partnering with local ministries

Harvest of Love

The Harvest of Love fund is managed by the Newton Ministerial Alliance. The local churches of Newton have linked arms to fund food and utility assistance to those in need. Each month, NNC contributes to this fund to serve and love our community.


New Hope Shelter, Inc.

The mission of New Hope Shelter is to provide a sanctuary for those experiencing homelessness in Harvey, Marion, and McPherson counties by uniting the local church into a nurturing community which restores hope through a growing relationship with Christ.

Heartland Pregnancy Care Center

Heartland Pregnancy Care Center is a private, charitable organization which serves women, their families, and their partners who come seeking information in making decisions about their pregnancy and and related concerns. They provide ongoing support in accordance with the families' needs and desires.


El Calvario Church of the Nazarene

El Calvario is our sister church in Newton. This Spanish-speaking congregation worships on Sundays at 914 S. Washington Rd. and is led by Pastor Benjamin Soria. We support them financially each month as well as do multiple projects and services together throughout the year.